All works of fiction contained within this site are copyrighted 1999-2023 by the respective Authors of these stories, who retain all rights. One copy may be made for personal use from this website (that is, by downloading it and reading it at one's leisure). Works may be used on another website only with the author's written permission. Although these stories are posted on this page from time to time, they are not to be used for commercial purposes and may not be modified or adapted in any way, shape or form without the express permission of the author.

Editorial Guidelines

  • The Legacy of Timeless Beauty Archive (LTBSA) is open to submissisions of new stories. However, while this is an adult-oriented site, featuring explicit erotic situations, sexual fetishes, and non-mainstream fantasies there are certain topics and characters that will not be accepted.
  • Any abuse or slander of actual persons, organizations, or events is not acceptable. Using a story to insult an author or another story are examples of abuse.
  • Sexual acts involving young children, especially sex acts between children and adults, are regarded by almost everyone as hurtful and grossly offensive. Teenagers (those 18 and older) are more of a gray area, but please try to respect the limits and sensitivities of the others who may read your story, and keep things in good taste. Stories featuring under-age charcters or siutations will not be accepted.
  • The physical abuse, rape, or molestation of children is unacceptable under all circumstances.
  • Issues like rape, torture, and killing are considered offensive by many people, while other people may enjoy incorporating these things into their fantasy stories. Authors are encouraged to read what's already been written to determine what the general community level of acceptability is. Situations of extreme torture will not be accepted.
  • Plagiarism or uncredited use of existing characters from other works will not be accepted.
  • The editors of the LTBSA reserve the right to decline a submission for any reason, or to remove existing stories that are considered unacceptable.


How to Submit Stories (UPDATED INFORMATION)


Stories may be submitted in the form of HTML (.htm or .html), Word Document (.doc) or RTF files (.rtf). If all else fails, save and send as a simple text file (.txt). Please remember to include the story title and your author name(s). Illustrated stories are accepted, but very large images may be shrunk to reduce their dimensions and file size.

Since this site began PC screens have gotten wider, meaning that full-width lines of text are harder to read without eyestrain. Therefore I have taken the decision to add margins by formatting the text into 75% wide columns. If you are able to do this yourself before submitting, it would be appreciated, otherwise I'll do it.


Where - Send via email to, enclosing the story as an attachment. Specify any special instructions. Alternatively, post the story as a public Google Docs document and email me the link.

When - Updates to the story page will occur periodically. You should check the update date at the top of the list for changes.

Corrections - If you see a problem with the posting of your story, please notify the editors via the email addresses above.

(C) 1999-2023 [ dmuk ] & Leem