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The Pygmalion Syndrome Male Stories
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This is where you’ll find my stories about great-looking young men who find their naked bodies turning to stone or bronze, or their finely-chiselled muscles becoming inanimate but malleable...and always capable of infinite pleasure.

All stories are copyright © 1999 - 2012 by Leem. Stories may be reposted provided that 1) Leem is credited as author and that 2) no changes are made without the author’s permission. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons living, dead or petrified is entirely coincidental. Word counts are given to the nearest hundred. Ratings are not endorsed by the MPAA, BBFC or ELP. Freeze-type symbols based on original designs by ArgoForg.
Follow these quick links to the stories, or see below for a detailed Index.

Non-series stories:
Another Day solid statueliving statue/mannequin | Being solid statue | Be2ng solid statue | The Boy who Stood Still living statue/mannequin | Coming Home robotic | Endymion living statue/mannequin | Flotsam (Male Remix) living statue/mannequin | Flotsam Male Problems living statue/mannequin [both affiliated with the mostly female Flotsam series] | The Here and Now solid statue | Horny God living statue/mannequin | Mist in Stone solid statue | Naked to the World solid statue | The Plain of Ice solid statue | Sarmin’s Garden living statue/mannequin | The Sculptor’s Model solid statue | The Shepherd Boy solid statue | The Story of the Film living statue/mannequin | Trophy living statue/mannequinrobotic

Ketrin Series (now hosted on
the Ketrin’s World website):

Prologue no freeze | Part One living statue/mannequin | Part Two living statue/mannequin | Part Three living statue/mannequin
Part Four living statue/mannequin | Part Five living statue/mannequin | Part Six living statue/mannequin | Part Seven living statue/mannequin
Part Eight living statue/mannequin | Part Nine living statue/mannequin | Part Ten A living statue/mannequin
Kipling and Ketrin and Mowgli and Me [feature article]
Ketrin: Major Players (CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS!!!)
On Display series:
On Display solid statueroboticliving statue/mannequin | Still On Display solid statueroboticliving statue/mannequin
A non-statuephile story:
The Tale of Avo and Ivo no freeze
(now part of Ketrin Part Five living statue/mannequin)

The Library of Frozen Men
Special Presentation:
Thirsty God by Margaret St. Clair living statue/mannequin

Male Stories
Key to symbols:
living statue/mannequinLiving Statue/ Living Mannequin: The body retains its normal texture and (usually) colour and may be malleable, even though the person is incapable of moving voluntarily.
solid statueSolid Statue: The body takes on the appearance of stone, metal, ice or wood, becoming totally rigid and immovable. There is usually no discernible breathing or other sign of life, and the person can be mistaken for a statue even though he may be fully conscious.
roboticRobotic: The body is entirely under someone else’s control. Its owner is incapable of moving of his own free will. (Infrequent.)
Non-series stories (in alphabetical order):
solid statueliving statue/mannequinAnother Day
900 words, rated R
June 2007
Each day he was required to clean the statue in the courtyard... but that wasn’t the only thing he had to do to it.
solid statueBeing
3,500 words, rated PG
April 2007
What was I doing on a pedestal in the town square, and how did my hands get so grey and hard?
solid statueBe2ng
1,400 words, rated PG
February 2010
Not a sequel to Being, but something of a companion piece.

Touching the statue’s penis was supposed to be lucky. Since the statue couldn’t do it for himself, it was certainly lucky for him.
living statue/mannequinThe Boy who Stood Still
5,900 words, rated PG
December 2000
The adolescent boy stood in the forest. That was all he did. That was all he could ever do. Was there anything the local people could do to help him?
roboticComing Home
5,800 words, rated R
October 2004
The Chagru were just peasant farmers, but they’d made the belligerent Zal go away. When I demanded an explanation, I didn’t realise I was about to get a firsthand demonstration....
living statue/mannequinEndymion
6,300 words, rated R
February 2000
A new spin on an old legend, in which the hero’s helpless immobility is taken advantage of by both sexes.
living statue/mannequinFlotsam (Male Remix)
10,500 words, rated X
December 1999
Jenarr and Alainn become lost in a “Bermuda Triangle” of space, and find themselves facing an eternity of sexual bondage to a primitive alien species.

[This story is affiliated with the mostly female Flotsam series.]
living statue/mannequinFlotsam:
Male Problems

4,100 words, rated R
January 2012
I’d been looking for a cure for impotence, but I never expected to find it in the form of paralysed bondage to horny aliens!

[Also affiliated with the Flotsam series.]
solid statueThe Here and Now
3,300 words, rated PG
July 2002
I can’t remember the past and I can’t imagine the future. The clock that ticks away my time as a statue has no hands. Am I doomed to exist in an eternally unchanging present?
living statue/mannequinHorny God
9,000 words, rated R
September 2007
Bryn was fleeing an enforced marriage that would have trapped him in a fate worse than death. But was what awaited him in the shrine any better?
solid statueMist in Stone
6,900 words, rated PG
October 2001
Mist was eighteen, full of the vigour and impatience of youth. All he ever wanted was to experience the excitement and mystery of exploring the universe. The last thing he expected was to be eternally paralysed by an alien trap.
solid statueNaked to the World
4,800 words, rated PG
July 1999
Our spaceship was a write-off. Our only hope of returning home was to get frozen. Not that I minded all that much. I’d always harboured fantasies about living statues, and now to my delight it looked as if they were coming true!
solid statueThe Plain of Ice
1,000 words, rated PG
August 2005
He was eternally trapped in a lifeless, frigid wilderness - but how did he get there, and why?
living statue/mannequinSarmin’s Garden
5,500 words, rated R
October 2006
Sarmin the sorcerer protects the land from war, disease and famine, and all he asks in return is ten youths each year to stand in his garden.
solid statueThe Sculptor’s Model
18,100 words, rated X
January 2000
I, Verrian, was proud to be the model for the greatest statue ever created. I could never have imagined that my jealousy for a rival model would result in my becoming the statue, frozen in stone forever!

[A literary masterpiece if I say so humble author]
solid statueThe Shepherd Boy
900 words, rated PG
May 2004
A very short piece inspired by a statue by Bertel Thorvaldsen.
Just how did the statue of the Shepherd Boy and his Dog come to be so amazingly lifelike...?
living statue/mannequinThe Story of the Film
3,900 words, rated R
December 2008
In the alien ruins on our colony planet I found something that the government was covering up... and it wasn’t long before it was covering me up. And that was just the beginning.
living statue/mannequinroboticTrophy
8,800 words, rated R
April 2006
Leemis had a simple assignment: to study the Shaar tribe and report back to the academy. But he had reckoned without the Shaars’ sexual appetites - or their paralysing darts!
A non-statuephile story:
The Tale of Avo and Ivo
2,500 words, rated R
January 2003
Avo and Ivo were two men who suffered from genital problems - of a very unusual kind! (Now incorporated into Ketrin Part Five).
On Display series:
solid statueroboticliving statue/mannequinOn Display
2,300 words, rated X
September 1999
A firsthand account of how I was forced to become an imitation statue by day and a sex object by night. (Tastefully illustrated with images of nude sculpture.)
solid statueroboticliving statue/mannequinStill
On Display

4,800 words, rated X
May 2006
My endless tenure as a part-time statue, part-time sex doll, continues... but now my captor has prepared a remarkable surprise for me.
Ketrin Series:

Ketrin can now be found at his new official home, the Ketrin’s World website. Links from this section now go to the new site, but the official Ketrindex is now at
living statue/mannequinKetrin: Prologue
2,100 words, rated G; August 2000
Secure within his furry mother’s den, the naked cub dreams of a time long ago when strange two-legged beings visited the world. What significance can the dream have? As the cub grows he must not only find his place in the pack but also try to discover his true relationship to the furless ones.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part One
8,900 words, rated R; August 2000
When the long lost son of a village woman walks naked out of the jungle, his reappearance is greeted with rejoicing by some, but with lust and greed by others....
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Two
6,600 words, rated R; November 2000
Will Borvinn, the sadistic chief hunter, succeed in his evil plan to paralyse Ketrin forever and rape him at leisure?
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Three
8,000 words, rated R; May 2001
Borvinn discusses his plans with the old sorcerer, Ketrin is attacked by something small and unpleasant and Sherinel searches for allies. Meanwhile, unknown to them all, one little bird holds all of their futures in its talons!
          Revised and expanded for continuity with Part Four
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Four
14,500 words, rated R; May 2003
Only two years late...
Mavrida makes her bid for freedom, Borvinn’s hunt begins, Sherinel faces his worst nightmare and Borvinn prepares to freeze Ketrin forever. Will he succeed?
Well...yes! But that’s not the whole story...
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Five
Incorporating The Tale of Avo and Ivo
17,200 words, rated R; November 2003
Ketrin is worshipped as a god by hungry villagers. But how will their “omnipotent” deity save them from starvation when he can’t actually do anything? Well, where there’s a will....
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Six
6,900 words, rated R; April 2005
Sherinel is about to set off to search for Ketrin along with Silverpaw, Shadow and the Twins. Ketrin is a long way from home, still naked, paralysed and horny, but the villagers will be happy to worship him with their bodies if only he can save them.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Seven
9,900 words, rated R; November 2006
Ketrin is still being worshipped by the villagers, but there is another major crisis that he has to try and resolve without being able to move. Meanwhile Sherinel and the four lupinoids face a hazardous journey to reach the far side of the river. If you thought “cliffhanger” was just an expression, think again.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Eight
14,800 words, rated R; December 2007
Sherinel is rescued by a pair of naked strangers and realises that Ketrin may not be completely unique. Meanwhile Mavrida sets off on a quest of her own and meets some remarkable people, and as the drought finally shows signs of breaking the paralysed Ketrin spends some time talking to the voices in his head.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Nine
11,800 words, rated PG; January 2009
As the rainy season sets in both Sherinel and Mavrida face challenges and opportunities on their respective quests to find Ketrin, while the object of their search learns something of the lupinoids’ origin. But what really hapened to Ruthyar, and what dangers await all of our heroes? Dum dum dummm...
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Ten
6,600 words, rated PG; February 2012
Major cliffhangers resolved. New problems and opportunities. A fight for survival. A relationship threatened. A monster attacks. A friend is found. Another is lost. Sanctuary beckons and faith is shaken.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Eleven
9,800 words, rated PG; April 2012
Mavrida’s and Sherinel’s parties continue to make their separate ways southward against constant hazards and obstacles, with very little help from the Maiden. Meanwhile Suvanji begins adjusting to life in Third Hill, and sees a vision of the tragic circumstances surrounding her own birth.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Twelve
8,700 words, rated PG; October 2012
Sherinel and his friends find help at a price, though it may be a price they don’t mind paying. Meanwhile, Mavrida’s party come under attack but subsequently make an unexpected discovery.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Thirteen
11,400 words, rated PG; March 2013
Rescues, reunions, discoveries, conflict, anticipation... oh, and by the way, it’s still raining.
living statue/mannequinKetrin Part Fourteen
9,000 words, rated PG; September 2014
Major characters and plot threads are brought together, visions of the departed bring new hope and inspiration, those who came together part anew, instruction is sought, and an astonishing discovery is made.
Ketrin: Major Players
Dramatis Personae
A quick rundown of the most important people in Ketrin’s life. And yes, lupinoids are people too.
Kipling and Ketrin and Mowgli and Me
Feature Article
A background article to the Ketrin series, in which I reveal some of my influences, including Rudyard Kipling, John Eyton, Olaf Baker, Regis Loisel and Philippe Sternis....
Special Presentation:
living statue/mannequinThirsty God
by Margaret St. Clair
3,600 words, rated PG for adult references and horror, not eroticism
A story written before I was even born, which provided me with the inspiration for my Flotsam stories.
When Brian rapes and abandons a purple-skinned Venusian girl, an ancient shrine seems to provide the perfect refuge from her vengeful family. But thanks to a malfunctioning alien device, that refuge soon turns into a prison from which escape is impossible....
The Library of
Frozen Men

Feature Article
A selection of Male Statue and Paralysis Scenes from Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels and Short Stories. This is actually an article I began writing before I set up this site, which I only rediscovered and polished up much later. Hope it was worth the wait!
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