Because you demanded it!
Or at least sent me messages saying, "Hey, wait," here are the ever present
gilded beauties! Note the icons below which will skip you from site to
site. Hopefully someday I can figure out how to use frames so you can skip
there straight from the main page! Wouldn't THAT be
ARCHIVIST'S NOTE 1: While editing the Fiction Archive I came to the realisation that the cartoon third from left on the second row was the inspiration for (or inspired by) Dmuk's story The Golden Goose, so I included it there as well. The filenames are a bit of a giveaway - the image is called oops.jpg, and the story is oopsgold.htm.
ARCHIVIST'S NOTE 2: Taral Wayne's cartoon on the bottom row was originally represented by three unauthorized, low-quality single-panel scans. These have therefore been replaced by a high-quality scan of the original full-page version, and a coloured version of panel 2 that he produced for a poster - unfortunately he didn't colour the rest. --Leem, 2012
Click on thumbnail to see full
size image.
This page has been made with
Netscape Composer and is especially Netscape-Communicator-friendly. If you
have problems seeing the title of the piece or the byline, I
Archive Two: Golden Pics and
MISSING IMAGES Many thanks to Pat for finding the video cover art (ogon3cv.jpg) and Neriah Davis (neriah02.jpg.
Only one still missing (in order of non-appearance): lesgold.jpg --Leem.
If I have mistakenly not given proper credit to the correct people with these images, please e-mail me and tell me so. I have tried to keep the artist's name (and pen-names) intact through moving these pics to my new system and during downloads... considering the tremendous amount of images I receive in one week's time, it's not always easy keeping the names straight. Any help, nudges, or benefits of the doubt you can give me would be appreciated. :-)
Like it? Dislike it? Stumbled across lost images from it? Get nauseous looking at it?
or, barring that, you could...
or, if these images are still too much for your fragile constitution right now,
I'll Just Toddle My Way Back To The Main Hall, Thanks.