One of the things I notice from a petri-phile's point of view is that there always seems to be a lot of images around that are just asking to be edited to look like statues. In fact, in
a lot of images, it looks like either the photographer, the model, or both, just
agreed that they wanted to tease all of us with a perfectly statuesque pose so we would sit there and think what the model would look like with a gleaming coat of gold over him/her or a head of medusa in front of his/her eyes.
That's where Your Assignment Images! (YAI!) comes along. If you have A) an image manipulation or editing program, such as Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Matisse or the like and B) an imagination, you now have the tools for creating your own frozen, petrified, gilded or other statue-type masterpieces! Simply pull the images from this site into your own computer, and have at em! Oh... don't forget to send a copy of the finished product to Leem, and he might well post them on an annex to this site some day...
So, what
are you waiting for? Pull them from the page! Stone 'em, Gild 'em,
Metallicize 'em, Freeze 'em, or... uhm... (whatever you call it when you turn
them to wood.)... and send 'em back! It's that easy!
All professional photos
(you can pretty much guess which ones I'm talking about) have been taken from
web sites on the 'net, where they already appeared without
permission. I'm just recycling them for personal use only, not for
any sort of monetary gain.
Oh, for the love of... I mean...
or, for those of you with limited mailing skills,