All I can say is:  You people are friggin' insatiable!  I had so many people requesting other metallic images that I was afraid I was never going to get it up in time.  Well, request no more, metal-lovers!  I have heard you say "Where the (lots of explitives) is the silver and bronze images on your page, you (many more explitives)!!!" in your e-mails, and I have responded!  Hope these are enough to sate your appetite for a little while, at least!

One other note:  People are overwhelmingly enjoying the new format, so I think I'll keep it... if you do like it, feel free to tell me about it!  If not, hey, tell me about that, too... I like to have criticism so I know what you all are looking for!  Send me an e-mail!  Vote for this site during your web-browsing!  Write your local congressman!  And if you haven't already hit the ASFR/Hall of Statuary Message Board, do it, guys and gals, 'cause the conversations are going along great in there! [Sorry, the board isn't there any more --Leem, 2012]

Click on thumbnail to see full size image.

This page has been made with Netscape Composer and is especially Netscape-Communicator-friendly.  If you have problems seeing the title of the piece or the byline, I apologize.

Icon.  Cool, huh?Archive Four:  Fun with Metals

'24silver' - Image Edit by BoB'Suzi015trio' - Image Edit by BoB'Kona01' - Model unknown, Submitted by AnOnYmOuS'nudeagol' - Image from Your Assignment Images!  Image editor's name lost, please help!

'HeelsG' - Image from cover of video.  Submitted by AnOnYmOuS'jls-silver_gold' - Image Edit by JLSeagul'Schenk01' - Image Edit by Basilisk'l3_1' - Actual photo, model unknown.  Submitted by AnOnYmOuS

'Silver' - Actual photo, model unknown.  Submitted by AnOnYmOuS'Zoom02' - Actual photo, model unknown.  Submitted by AnOnYmOuS'gilded01' - Image Edit by BoB'Silvera' - Actual photo, model unknown.  Submitted by AnOnYmOuS - Missing, but represented by AI upscale

'suzi035silver' - Image Edit by BoB'Kona02' - Actual photo, model unknown.  Submitted by AnOnYmOuS

Go to the Stone Statue Image PageGo to the gold statue images.This'll take you to the Freeze Images.  Go figure!This IS the Other Metals Page!  Or did you think I meant the Other OTHER Metals page?Your Assignment Images!   Images waiting to be statue-ified! Omigod!  The 2nd Stone Archive?

Hall of Statuary Exclusives!

MISSING IMAGES Many, many, many thanks to Pat for finding zoom02.jpg.
Just one left to find (in order of non-appearance): silvera.jpg --Leem.

If I have mistakenly not given proper credit to the correct people with these images, please e-mail me and tell me so.  I have tried to keep the artist's name (and pen-names) intact through moving these pics to my new system and during downloads... considering the tremendous amount of images I receive in one week's time, it's not always easy keeping the names straight.  Any help, nudges, or benefits of the doubt you can give me would be appreciated.  :-)

This page taught me a lot of things.  Most notably, "Don't start a project like this with little to no sleep at 3 o'clock in the morning."  Ah well.  The price of upkeeping a well-loved site, ya know?

Like it?  Hate it?  Found the lost images in your sock drawer?  Think the site owner might be a little deluded?


let's try that again...


or, there's always the other option,

Go Directly To The Main Hall.  Do Not Pass GO.  Do Not Collect $200.