Taral Wayne
A Scrooch in Time
Art © Taral Wayne. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Note by Leem: Scaled to fit - see full-size image.
A slightly smaller version appears on Taral’s Furaffinity pages (Mature login required) with the following remarks: Some of you may remember the Moon Men, Gidney and Croyd, from the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show. They had a mysterious ray gun that “scrooched” people. After stretching out the suspense for an episode or two, it was revealled that scrooching paralysed the victim for anywhere from a few minutes to 99 years. (They kept screwing up the settings, too!) It wasn't altogether clear, though, whether it was just a straight “freeze” effect or outright petrification. It seemed to depend on which R&B adventure you were watching ... In this case, it appears poor Mlle. has definitely been reduced to stone. The question is ... what's the setting on the scrooch gun?
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