Tokyo Crazy Paradise: Tsukasa frozen
Tokyo Crazy Paradise is a manga which (I gather) takes place in a near-future Tokyo where law and order and human respect are breaking down. (So what else is new?)
In this bit of the story, occupying the end of Book 3 and the start of Book 4, we find our heroine Tsukasa (who in the usual manga gender confusion was raised as a boy but in this scene is all woman) discovering that some missing foreigners have not been sold into slavery as she suspected, but turned into living works of art... and the people who did it will do the same to her if they catch her.
Please bear in mind that this is a very small excerpt from a much longer story. I’ve omitted several scenes that don’t relate directly to the living art concept.
Also, these appear to be fan translations in which the English text is simply pasted into the original balloons. There is some untranslated Japanese text which might indicate sound effects, and the text reads from RIGHT TO LEFT. I personally find it hard to get my head around this, but the alternative technique of reversing the image before inserting the English text would reverse the poses of the living art re-creations.

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