The Pygmalion Syndrome has undergone quite a few design changes over the past five years. Where some sites might be content to establish a corporate style and stick with it, I’ve always felt a need to tinker with the layout and design. Because I hate throwing things away I’ve retrieved quite a few of my earlier designs from the original files, with some invaluable additional help from The Internet Archive, and put them back on the web. Call it self-indulgent nostalgia if you like,, actually there isn’t a “but”. It’s self-indulgent nostalgia. I can live with that.
Note: I have revised the links on the cached pages and in some cases deleted obsolete ones. All of the links go to CURRENT pages - it was impossible to archive the entire site, although I’ll try to include a few more links to “historic” internal pages as time goes on.
I have also adjusted the code in one or two places so the pages will display properly in non-IE browsers. I have not converted the older pages to CSS, so if you’re reading this in the year 2105 and can’t view the pages that may be the reason.
The current batch of pages takes us up to May 2003.
Eventually the list will catch up to the present day.
 AUGUST 2000 An early design with introductory text, What’s New and Story Indices all on the same page. |
 SEPTEMBER 2000 A new “clutter free” design for the site’s 1/3 Anniversary. |
 MAY 2001 A bland logo for the First Anniversary, but a witty little picture at the bottom, even if I did steal it... |
 ART GALLERY SEPTEMBER 2001 For reasons of space I split off the Art Gallery pages and gave them their own portal. |
 OCTOBER 2001 No radical redesign, but the first use of a typographical logo. |  JANUARY 2002 A clutter-free design, the first logo to use positive lettering, and a brief lament. |
 JUNE 2002 A cornered logo, a new webring box (now mostly obsolete), the Jubilee, the World Cup (England lost) and Skegness. |  OCTOBER 2002 I finally got rid of the twin navigation lists and replaced them with buttons. The germ of the current design was finally beginning to bud. |  MAY 2003 3rd Anniversary. Animated logo, stone letters and more navigational experimentation. |
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